This Term we have been learning some skills in Pt England. If you want to know what I mean by skill, we had to pick something we wanted to do like, juggling, line dance, uni cycling and a lot more. The skill I did was line dancing. I didn't really want to do it, but I had to. The song we were dancing to was foot loose. The whole of team 5 and team 3 went in the hall and we took turns showing our skill class by class. My class was actually lucky, since we were the last one to perform. To be honest I actually wanted my class to be first. There was heaps of cool dances like this shuffle dance that these people did and some cultural dances, every class that went up had a really cool dance. When it was my classes turn I was not excited. We did our dance, I was quite embarrassed because I actually didn't know our dance of by heart, so I just followed some people around me. A couple people laughed and giggled. but overall I was happy of my self because I don't normally perform in front of people.
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