Thursday, 15 March 2018

Letter to Ms Tapuke

Dear Ms Tapuke,

Hello. My name is Tidus and my nationality is New Zealand and my ethnicity is
Samoan. There is only six of us which is my Step Dad, my Dad, Mum, Brother and
Nana. I am the youngest in my family, I am only 12 years old

I’ve loved gaming my whole entire life, it is our biggest
hobbies in our family. My favourite food is meatballs,
Colour is Grey, Orange and Blue. My favourite sport is soccer, but I don’t really play

The only things I like at school is maths and fitness. My goals for this year is to get
good at reading, writing and stay good on maths. I do not like going up in front
of lots people, it makes me really nervous. So don’t recommend me doing the mihi.

My teacher for literacy is awesome, I like writing and kind of reading, I think if she
keeps doing what she’s doing I can learn and get better.
I am a really good gamer, i’ve been gaming for like 7-7½  years which I have
mentioned in paragraph 2. I also started playing piano in 2017 of August.

Yours sincerely,

Tidus Ulfsby

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