On November 01 of 2017 Mr Patterson came to Team 5 at Pt England School, he told a lot of amazing stuff, like this boy who is 11 years old saw a old man next to a dairy crying, so he gave him his lunch money, and kept doing this for two weeks. Mr Patterson Inspired me to do these things when i'm older.
Mr Patterson told us lots of story's like how these young people had 3 kids under 5 years old and were waiting in a line that had over 100 people in it. You can imagine what it'd be like having kids under 5 years old waiting in a long line. They would be so inpatient screaming well, not necessarily screaming just being loud and fussy.
So Mr Patterson when up to them and said are you alright. And they said yea, Then he took them to the front of the line and everybody was happy.
Mr Patterson Inspired me to do great things today.