Thursday, 25 June 2015

a gold peanut catches a 678 pound fish

introducing a gold peanut who catches a 678 pound fish & lets go, hope
you enjoy:)

Once there was a gold peanut, he was a orphan
he was going out to fishing, he started packing all his stuff:fishing rod
bait & his boat.

“let's go fishing” he threw the fish line. & until the
the water started rumbling “what’s h...happening” boom
the peanut Caught a fish “its so hard to pull” he was pulling as
hard as he can, & then aha i caught you no running now.

The peanut was happy:) im gonna see how much you weigh
a couple of minutes later oh you weigh 678 pounds.
Im gonna cook you up & eat you.

The End

thanks for reading hope you enjoyed it have
a nice day see ya.

Tuesday, 23 June 2015

Create a word problem

In maths we were learning about problem solving with Mrs J. We had to write a word problem to go with Mrs J's number problem and then solve what ever was in the problem. Here is my work.